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4 ways to Transform Learning: Navigating the Future

Posted on April 22, 2020

In the wake of the global pandemic, the learning industry is undergoing significant transformations: here are 4 ways to transform learning. These changes, driven by technology and evolving educational philosophies, reshape how we consume and deliver education. Let’s delve into the four crucial transitions, shedding light on their impact on the learning landscape.

transform learning

The Current Scenario: how to transform learning

As countries navigate lockdowns and adapt to the challenges posed by COVID-19, the urgency to find alternative ways of knowledge transfer has become paramount. As John F. Kennedy noted, this crisis period brings both danger and opportunity. Amid the disruptions, the learning and development (L&D) landscape explores new avenues, uncovering previously overlooked technologies.

1. From Real-Time to Semi-Synchronous Learning

Traditional training methods relied heavily on fixed schedules, requiring trainees to be physically present at designated times. However, the demand for more knowledge in less time has rendered such approaches inadequate. Blended learning, a mix of in-person and online education, has emerged, but challenges persist in fully optimizing this model.

2. From Just-in-Case to Just-in-Time Learning

The conventional notion of front-loading education at the beginning of one’s career is no longer effective. In an era where information is easily accessible and conditions change rapidly, just-in-time learning takes precedence. This shift towards lifelong, incremental education, spread over one’s entire life, reflects the evolving nature of educational needs.

3. From Information to Transformation

Beyond acquiring pure knowledge, true learning involves skill development and real-world application. Transformational learning integrates customized experiences, feedback, and real-world applications, making the educational journey more engaging and effective.

4. From Mandatory to Voluntary Learning

Empowering learners to make their own choices in development is gaining prominence. However, finding the right balance between freedom and structure is crucial. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) initially embraced freedom of choice but faced challenges in engagement. Striking a balance between freedom and necessary constraints is essential for sustained learning engagement.

Overcoming Attention Challenges

With attention spans reportedly shrinking, course creators must adapt. Options include reintroducing start dates, end dates, and deadlines or creating engaging courses that learners actively choose.

Transform Learning and Embracing Change

These transitions are actively reshaping the educational landscape. Learning professionals and business leaders must seize the opportunity presented by these shifts. Technology, a key enabler, will play a vital role in supporting and facilitating these transformations. In the coming weeks, we’ll delve into each transition, exploring the role of technology in navigating the evolving learning paradigm.

Guy Van Neck, Founder & CEO, MobieTrain