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How to effectively train your Frontline Staff

Posted on November 22, 2022

Why should you train your frontline staff? Blue- and white-collar workers are like pepper and salt: one can’t go without the other! Yet the importance of frontline staff is often unfairly underestimated. Even though they play a vital role in the workforce, as they directly or indirectly contribute to employees’ work in white-collar positions.

This segment of the workforce faces some significant challenges nowadays. Number one is the need for practical training and upskilling opportunities. It is safe to say that training is crucial for the future of frontline workers. In this blog article, we explain why. Let’s dig in!

train frontline staff

Why is training frontline employees important?

Good question! The reason is threefold:

Job shortage is around the corner – As Baby Boomers and Gen X employees begin to retire, it’s crucial to draw in new talent from Gen Y and Z. However, these younger generations seek employer-provided training, growth and skills-building opportunities when searching for jobs. So, it will become inevitable to offer these benefits to get them excited about these frontline positions! 

Artificial Intelligence is on the rise – Technology is evolving at the speed of light, but this does not mean that frontline workers will become obsolete shortly. On the contrary! They will still need to be there to fill in the gaps where human intervention is required. This means that frontline employee training must focus on skills like troubleshooting and repairing machinery.

Keep current staff productive & motivated – As fewer and fewer people fill these jobs, it becomes imperative to keep your current frontline staff happy and on board. When your frontline team feels they lack the right skills to keep doing their jobs or that you don’t care enough to develop them, they might become less productive and disengaged, and they could begin to look for work elsewhere.

How do you train your frontline team effectively?

Now that you understand the importance of training your frontline staff and its benefits, it’s time to look at how you can train them effectively. Here we go!

training frontline team

Train frontline staff: new employees.

Tip one: build a learning culture from the start. Implement training through your learning platform in the onboarding process so new frontline workers can get familiar with your learning technology and see all the training and learning content available.

This way, you immediately plant a seed for future growth within the company.

Another excellent training strategy is to have newly hired frontline employees shadow more experienced team members for a few weeks so they can experience first-hand how the job is done.

Pairing them with a mentor they feel comfortable with can also be a great way to train new hires. The mentor should differ from the person who trains them on their job duties. A person who can give advice, provide insights into the company culture, and support them in general.

Train employee staff: seasoned employees.

Seasoned frontline workers keep on learning every day through hands-on experience. This is what we call on-the-job training (OJT). It is what happens daily at work. The main goal of OJT is to combine learning and everyday work: employees learn their roles, see how everything works, and improve their skills in real time – on the job.

Learning is part of the work rather than something separate, which drives productivity, increases engagement, and boosts knowledge retention.

Train all the front liners.

Blended learning works for all types of frontline employees! This learning approach combines face-to-face training with online learning. For example, bite-sized digital modules containing fundamental knowledge can be followed by classroom training.

Classroom training sessions can help practice new skills and promote teamwork. Whereas online learning, specifically microlearning, is perfect for providing information in a manageable and accessible way – not overwhelming learners.

Microlearning is the perfect solution because it’s hard for frontline workers to take time away from their jobs for lengthy training. With microlearning, the learning content is broken down into bite-sized chunks of text, videos and/or visuals accompanied by fun quizzes to keep learners engaged. Your frontline staff can learn at their own pace, w

Whenever and wherever they want. Just 5-10 minutes a day, that’s all it takes! So it’s easy to fit into the flow of work.

train frontline team

What to train your frontline staff on?

Let’s not beat around the bush.

The most critical training topics for blue-collar workers are probably safety and compliance. But don’t just focus on on-the-job skills – of course, technical skills are very important, but go beyond and enrich your frontline team with soft skills as well!

Providing your staff with this kind of personal growth and learning gives you a tremendous competitive advantage regarding employee retention! Here are some exciting topics for soft skills training:

  • Wellbeing – A healthy team (physically and mentally) is a happy team, and a happy, motivated workforce is exactly what you want for your company!
  • Setting goals gives your team something to strive for in their work and personal lives!
  • Teamwork – This is crucial no matter what industry you’re working in, as it helps to create a positive work environment.
  • Problem-solving – This helps make your team feel confident in responding effectively to any challenges at work.


By now, it’s clear that training is vital for the future of frontline workers! Different learning strategies apply to new hires instead of seasoned front liners, but we know that blended learning (classroom training + online microlearning) works for both!

And as far as the topics go, it’s crucial to enrich your team with on-the-job and soft skills. Good luck!