“I just want to say thank you. I’m incredibly lucky and proud of what we achieved throughout the years.”
In our Friday Five, we ask five questions to our special guest. The Silver Lining? There isn’t one. We range from a look behind the business scenes to insights into our guest’s personality. From MobieTrain employees to beloved customers or topic experts, anything goes. Sometimes sweet as pie, sometimes razor-sharp, always with the aim of learning from each other.
Today’s Guest: Viktoria Tarancova
Our first Friday Five of 2025 is a bittersweet one. Viktoria Tarancova – or Vik, as we all know her – has been with MobieTrain since the very beginning. Over the past seven years, she has played a pivotal role in our growth, shaping countless milestones along the way and leading the Content Team with her signature flair.
Now, Vik is preparing for a new chapter as she will be leaving MobieTrain in the near future.
In this special Friday Five edition, you’ll find out which Friends character Vik relates to the most, who she would swap lives with for a day, and what she hopes to cross off her bucket list. And of course, we took the opportunity to reflect on her amazing journey at MobieTrain.

1. If your life had a theme song, what would it be?
“I’d love to split the answer into two parts. For my power song, it has to be I’m That Girl by Beyoncé. It’s the track that gives me an incredible energy boost, fills me with confidence, and makes me feel like I can conquer the world.”
“As for the theme song of my life, that would definitely be I’ll Be There for You by The Rembrandts, the iconic Friends theme. I think the title and the message of the song really capture who I am as a person.”
“I’m very caring, human-oriented and always ready to support those around me. My friends, family, and colleagues mean the world to me, so I want to always be there for them, making this song feel like the perfect fit.”
Which character from Friends do you relate the most to?
“Phoebe, 100%, hahaha. She doesn’t make sense at all! She’s everywhere and nowhere. Phoebe is extremely vague but in the most beautiful way. She’s super loyal and a great friend. She also has that attitude of, ‘I’ve been through shit, but I’ll be fine.’ I like that a lot. She doesn’t care about what other people think and shows that in every way possible.”
Don’t care about what others think—is that something you had to learn yourself?
“Absolutely. It took me a long time to learn to let things go and be really authentic to myself. I’m still working hard on becoming more confident, not over-analysing what others might think, and realising that nobody actually cares that much. We have this perception that everyone is constantly forming opinions about us, but that’s not true, is it?”
“It’s also about self-love: the more you love the person you truly are, the happier you’ll be. This is reinforced by the people you surround yourself with. If they think and act the same way and you can truly be yourself with them without wearing masks, that’s the purest form of freedom.”
“If you’re surrounded by people that think and act the same way and you can truly be yourself with them without wearing masks, that’s the purest form of freedom.”
2. If you could swap lives with one person for a day, who would it be and why?
“You probably thought it was going to be Beyoncé, since I’m her biggest fan and ambassador, haha! But I wouldn’t like to be so famous or have that kind of celebrity life.”
“I’ve always been fascinated by books and movies about incredibly intelligent people from places like Harvard and Oxford—scientists, academics… the academic world, let’s say. I would love to swap lives with someone who has a genius brain and educates other geniuses.”
“Because they truly make a difference. They leave a legacy behind. It sometimes makes me ache to go back to university and study. They say the older you get and the more you learn, the more you realise how little you actually know. That’s a beautiful paradox.”

3. What’s one thing on your bucket list you’re determined to cross off?
“Hmmm. I don’t want to go with a typical travel destination that’s on my list, though there are plenty of places I’d love to visit (I really want to go to Japan, though!). Instead, I’d say the most important thing on my bucket list is more of a mindset thing. I want to follow my gut more, let go of fear, and do all the things I know deep down I want to do.”
“And I’m already doing it, as we speak—taking massive leaps and stepping out of my comfort zone. It’s scary, and at times it feels overwhelming. But I’m certain that when I look back, and even now in certain moments, I’ll know it was the right thing to do. I’ll probably say in the future that I should have done these things much earlier.”
Are you someone who has a lot of regrets about the things you’ve done—or haven’t done?
“I wouldn’t say I have major regrets. I’m more afraid of looking back years from now and feeling like I should have tried something or done something differently. It’s better to take risks, try, and learn from it than to not do it at all and never know what could have happened.”
4. You were at MobieTrain since day one. What’s one thing you’d now tell 2018-Vik starting at MobieTrain?
“It sounds cliché, but I would tell myself to worry less, believe that I have what it takes, and accept that it takes time to learn and experience things. None of it is rocket science—just figure it out and tackle it step by step, and everything will be fine. Maybe it all boils down to one lesson: stop overthinking.”
What’s one thing you’ve learned from your teammates that has stuck with you the most?
“Oh wow, I’ve learned so much from my colleagues. I’m incredibly fortunate to have had this brilliant team by my side—fierce spirits with boundless ambition and unwavering drive (you know who you are!) I’ve always tried to surround myself with people who are better at things than I am and learn from them.”
“Because I believe a strong leader understands that you can’t know everything or have all the skills. That’s why you have a team: you hire people who excel in areas where you don’t. And it’s far more powerful to admit you don’t have the answer immediately, ask for time to think, and then come back with a well-considered response.”
You mentioned leadership as you were the manager of the content team for years. What’s a crucial lesson there?
“I’ve worked with incredible managers with impressive careers who showed me that you don’t need to put on a management mask. You can lead while staying true to yourself—expressing your thoughts openly while still considering others’ perspectives.”
“That’s what makes me admire a person even more. Of course, there’s a certain balance, but showing your human side as a manager completely shifts the perception of what a ‘typical manager’ should be.”
“Showing your human side completely shifts the perception of what a ‘typical manager’ should be.”
5. You’ve played a huge role during your seven years at MobieTrain. What are you most proud of?
“I think the content department we’ve built from the ground up. Learning as we went, doing tons of research on what makes excellent content, hiring incredibly talented people to help with that journey, and constantly experimenting—innovating every step of the way. If I look at where we are now and what we can achieve with the team, I’m really proud of it all.”
What’s your favourite memory from the last seven years at MobieTrain? If you could relive one day, which day would it be and why?
“There are so many, of course, but the one that comes to mind immediately is when we were on a team-building trip in Italy. We were driving scooters through beautiful vineyards and arrived at a mountain-top restaurant. I remember looking at the whole team and getting emotional, thinking, ‘Look at us, right here—such a great team, sharing beautiful moments together – we fucking made it!’ Everything just clicked into place.”
What’s your favourite memory from the last seven years at MobieTrain? If you could Which MobieTrain project/achievement will you always be proud of? relive one day, which day would it be and why?
“Azadea was our very first client, and they’re still with us. I’ve built such an amazing relationship with Joyce and her team, and every time we talk, we remind each other that it’s so much more than just a corporate partnership. It speaks for itself: it shows our service, it shows that we truly care. When you can say your first client is still with you, still loving the partnership, product, and service, that’s a huge achievement.”
Is there a tradition or ritual at MobieTrain you hope the team keeps going after you leave?
“We work remotely quite often, and our teams are spread across multiple countries, so it’s crucial to maintain those team connections. We’ve created a fun chat where everyone greets each other in the morning with crazy memes. It’s a place where we can really laugh, encourage each other, and even turn hard moments into something funny. It’s just another example of the great company culture we have created here.”

6. For this special edition, we make an exception. Here’s your final goodbye message:
“Pfoeh! I’ve built so much at MobieTrain, and I truly want the company to thrive. No matter where life takes me, I’ll always be deeply invested, and MobieTrain will always have a special place in my heart. It shaped me into the person I am today—it even influenced my choice of orange in my home décor, haha! I really live and breathe this company.”
“I hope we’ll stay connected, and I’m confident we will. I’ll always be proud to be one of the first MobieTrainers, to have been part of such an exciting journey, opening new markets, working with incredible people. That feeling will never fade into the background.”
“To wrap up, I just want to say thank you. I have met the most amazing people here and I will miss them so much! I’m incredibly grateful for the unique opportunities I’ve had to learn—from creating a marketing plan and building a website to attending events and travelling with our CEO, Guy.”
“I’ve experienced so much at a young age, from learning how the business works to developing brand awareness, finding structure in chaos, hiring amazing people, and building a fantastic team.”
“I took a risk by joining a startup, not knowing where it would go. But Guy took a risk too—he hired me despite my lack of experience because he saw the spark and potential in me. And I saw his huge ambition and great vision. And look at how far we’ve come. I’ve been incredibly lucky, I’m extremely proud and I’ll never take that for granted.”
And we’ve all been incredibly lucky and grateful to have worked with you over these years. Thank you for everything you’ve done and for being the amazing person you are.
Your passion, creativity, and unwavering dedication have shaped MobieTrain in ways we’ll always remember. You will always be a part of MobieTrain.
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